Foundation for Diligent Yeshiva Students

,Dear Friends

For decades, there has been a growing change in the National Religious public. The

number of students who decide to learn Torah in various learning facilities, after

graduating from high school, is increasing. As part of this blessed course of study,

there is a growing trend of yeshiva students to add and spend their time learning

Torah for many years, out of the understanding that this is the responsible thing to do

.at this time

This responsibility to increase the significance of learning Torah, derives its strength

from "Torah Goelet", together with the proficiency and in-depth learning of Shas and

.Poskim and demands many years of dedicated and diligent learning of Torah

Although this part is still small in quantity, B.H. this small quantity will grow and their

.influence increases and becomes stronger

More than 500 students learn in Yeshiva Har Hamor, out of which approximately 270

are Yeshiva students and B.H. more than 50 are more than 30 years old and are still

learning. It is our sincere wish to enable them to learn and become stronger in Torah

.and as diligent and devoted as possible

The purpose of the foundation is to raise an annual sum of 360,000 shekels, which

will be dedicated to this group of students. This foundation will be aimed at granting

them a monthly scholarship and enable them to devote all their time and strength to

.the important task they have taken upon themselves

!Be our partners


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אם ברצונך שהקבלה תצא עבור שם אחר, אנא ציין זאת בהערות

התרומה בטוחה ומאובטחת

סליקת האשראי בעמוד זה מאובטחת ע"י חברת טרנזילה, ועומדת בתקן האבטחה PCI-DSS המחמיר של חברות האשראי.
