Tuition Scholarship Foundation

,Dear Friends

Hundreds of yeshiva students are learning diligently in the yeshiva and after they

finish their studies they fulfill educational roles in yeshivot, pre-military academies

and in high schools, etc. all over the country.

The yeshiva accepts all students who are suitable and can develop in the yeshiva

regardless of their background, financial situation, etc. Many of the students in the

yeshiva are sons of families with many children and many of them come from

.families with financial difficulties

The total sum of reductions in the tuition, due to financial difficulties, accumulates to

.approximately half a million shekels per year

The scholarship foundation will assist families who aren't capable of paying the full

.tuition, by granting them a reduction in the tuition

.The foundation will distribute the reductions according to clear and equal criteria

The aim of the foundation is to render assistance by granting scholarships to 50

students, amounting to an annual average of 5,000 shekels for each student, totaling

.250,000 shekels

!!!Be our Partners


U.S Donation with PayPal

אם ברצונך שהקבלה תצא עבור שם אחר, אנא ציין זאת בהערות

התרומה בטוחה ומאובטחת

סליקת האשראי בעמוד זה מאובטחת ע"י חברת טרנזילה, ועומדת בתקן האבטחה PCI-DSS המחמיר של חברות האשראי.
