Daily Schedule
The Yeshiva's formal schedule starts with Shacharit at 07.00. After the prayer the pupils engage in studying the weekly parasha, studies of morals, ethics and faith followed by a hearty breakfast in the dining room.
In the "morning seder" (09:00 – 13:00) the yeshiva pupils attentively learn Gemara in hevrutot, and receive lessons on the present masechet from the Yeshiva Rabbis. After the seder and before Mincha a "seder for watching the language" takes place. In this seder the yeshiva boys engage in the halacha of "חפץ חיים" concerning slander, as requested by our Rav, Rav Yitshak Yehuda zt"l. , to be taught regularly on a daily basis and was very determined that this be done.
Mincha takes place at 13:20 in the Beit Midrash, after which lunch is served to all the boys and yeshiva boys.
Many of the yeshiva boys take advantage of this short lunch break to look into the various issues raised in the Gemara, they are presently studying or continue to absorb faith studies in hevrutot or attend lessons given by the yeshiva rabbis ("hevrutot") before they return to their studies of Talmud in the "mid-day seder" (15:30 – 18:30 ).
After the short "break" the yeshiva boys continue their studies of the masechet they are presently studying, some of them continue engaging in the issues learnt in the morning seder, while others widen their knowledge in the rest of the masechet by memorizing and re-learning the material gemarah, Rashi and more.
After "mid-day seder", the young pupils and the older ones attend lessons of faith given by the Yeshiva Rabbis. In these lessons the Rabbis guide the pupils, step by step, in the studies of messilat yesharim, sifrai maharal and the writings of Maran zt"l.
Arvit takes place at 19:30 (in the winter) or 20:15 (in the summer), and after dinner the "evening seder" takes place, during which the boys and the older yeshiva boys are free to deepen their studies of the Gemara and faith.
After "evening seder" most of the pupils takes part in further faith studies in "hevrutot", or choose to study in hevruta with an older yeshiva boy, and continue their studies of Torah into the small hours of the night…..